This Thing about Getting Older
I recently had my 55th birthday. (Yeah, I know that sounds old, but if you live long enough, you get there.) Actually, it sounds old to me sometimes, too, because I don't feel old at all, at least not in my head.
Of course, in my knees, I feel 55 and a lot more. It's not very pretty. Earlier this week, I was at the doctor's office to find out why my leg felt tight and spring-loaded. He told me that I either had blood clots, cancer, or Baker's Cyst. None of them soundded like anything with which I'd want to spend the rest of my life. The next day I went in for a Doppler sonogram, which ruled out blood clots. The doc and I are talking again next week. That's when I feel like I'm 55.
This sucks because it makes square dancing very painful. Several times in the years since I've been dancing, I've run into problems like this. Right now, both my knees hurt, and I'm probably ready for bed. Next thing I know, I'll be drooling.
So my advice is this, you should wear underwear when you go for the sonogram.
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