Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gay Ethics

I'd hazard a guess that some people would think gay ethics an oxymoron, or something similar. I've just finished the Very Short Introduction to Buddhist Ethics. It's a very interesting, and for me, thought-provoking book. I am concerned about my personal behavior. I am concerned about my actions in my world. I believe my intentions count and that my actions mean something, if not intrinsically, then intentionally.

In the course of the book, I discovered that I'm not utilitarian or deontological. I base my behavior on intentions and rules, not on results. At least the book gave labels to what I do, and it provided a framework in which to fit my values. I discovered that I'm not a Buddhist. This is probably to everyone's relief.

What was interesting in the book is to see how people with very different perspectives on ethics could end up taking similar positions on moral and ethical issues. The book was a good read. It will spur some more thinking on my part.


S.E. Wilson said...

The ethics you speak of...what is the origin of these definitions of right and wrong - or, moral and immoral - or, ethical and unethical?
Do you find man as having authority to decide what is worthy of reward from God, and what is worthy of the wrath of God? Or, does not the creator, God, have the right to decide what behavior is worthy of reward, and what behavior is worthy of wrath?

Happy said...

I'm not a philosopher, theologian, or ethicist, but I'm very interested in ethical behavior, and from what bases ethical behavior comes. For me, ethical and moral behavior springs from intentionally striving to not cause harm to other human beings, and by extension to other living things and to the earth, itself. I'm not a vegan, nor a tree-hugger, but I am concerned about the excesses of this generation, and wonder how we've safeguarded and cherished what we have to pass on to future humankind. It's these kinds of impulses from which I think my moral action comes from. As for the immoral, well, that arises from the harm that I intentionally (and sometimes unintentionally) do to others. If my actions diminish someone else, diminish a person's dignity or potential, physically, emotionally, or mentally harm them, or deprive them of what is rightfully theirs, I'm acting unethically and immorally. Whatever it is you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.