We have had a busy week in Wheaton. After the square dancing and the weed wacking incident, the fun continues. Yesterday, Ron and I visited the Finance Guys (FGs). They told me that I'll have to go back to work. They were quite severe with me, telling me that my profligate spendthrift ways were imperiling the already weak dollar, and that I was one of the single biggest causes of the United States trade deficit. I plead guilty as charged. So I've decided to become a greeter at WalMart. See me in your neighborhood soon.
After meeting with the FGs, and I do have to say that their advice is very, very good - I also enjoy their sartorial presence, not to mention the deeply edifying, nay motivating engagement they have with us once a quarter to help us survive our retirement, or die trying, which come to think of it, will probably be the sad outcome. Meanwhile, we came back to Chez Boiz and took a pleasant afternoon walk.
The weather was delightful, and the mild exercise took my mind off of the plumbing problems that have plagued me of late. Ron doggedly set his course down the street, and I ran circles around him (literally, I mean I run around him while we are walking), mainly to find out what would happen. A smile slowly crinkled across his face, he rolled his eyes, raised his hands up in the air in a hopelessly resigned gesture, and hugged me, or ignored me, and life is wonderful and transcendent in this moment. I would not want to be any other place but here, acting very silly with the soberest straight man sidekick in the universe. But I do make him smile, and he makes me profoundly happy - much like the Finance Guys do, especially the cute one.
The urologist adjusted my medications, and you're reading the results. Joe, I'm sorry if you are finding all of this alarming, Pyridium does this to me every time I take it. Side effects. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, "Read the label." I didn't realize that something that could color my pee a violent orange would actually be such a mood elevator. And it's cheap, too. Of course, it can ruin your kidneys and stain your underwear, so you might take it with some caution, and not everyone will experience such salubrious effects that I have. Because, I'm special....
Seriously, I'm actually not even using the Pyridium(although I filled the prescription), because I read its side effects label and decided, uh-uh. I really haven't needed any pain relief. And now, at Day Three, I feel much improved over Day One. So why the bizarre mood this morning? I'm not sure. I guess I'm just happy today, well manic today. And I kind of like feeling this way. It's spring and I have sprung!
Mein came over last night to review (yet again) Challenge 1 square dance calls. He and I went through just about every call on the list. We either walked through them or checkered them. The most confusing thing for me right now is distinguishing the various call names and movements from each other, because the names and moves have similarities across calls. This is why square dancing is so evil and so cool. I've never participated in an activity that is so intellectually challenging, so physically active, and so friendly all at once. Mein stayed for about three and hours after which my head was full, much too full.
Today started off with a bang, literally. A ManHunt buddy showed up on my doorstep at 7:04 a.m. (Maybe that's the reason for the elevated mood.) He wanted to come over, because he's moving to Virginia tomorrow. I'll probably never see him again, which is sad, because he is a very nice, foxy guy who amuses and amazes me. I'm thinking I'll figure out how to navigate to Virginia. Of course, he's always welcome here, too. He's young, and I find the differences between his life and mine to be fascinating. I just enjoy talking with him, and I'm not going to discuss the other stuff here....
Today, we're going to celebrate Tim's birthday. I'm excited about it. I love celebrations. After a deeply personal celebration, we're going to Great Sage up in Clarksville, Maryland for dinner. Ron, Tim, and I have eaten there before, and the food is truly wonderful vegetarian. I'll write more about it after our dinner. Perry and Brian are joining us too, and we're going to have a wild boys night out (yeah, right).
The other news for the week is that my nephew and his wife, Joe and Karen, are in town. We're having dinner with them tomorrow night at Bistro D'Oc downtown. This is the third year that they've come into town. Joe has business here, and Karen comes in for the weekend. I really enjoy this visit with family, and they are such a super couple. They also call us Uncle John and Uncle Ron, which sound so unfamiliar, yet so musical to my ears. Nobody ever calls me uncle anything, so I like it!
Finally, a word about the Finance Guys. They just published an article the Journal of Financial Planning, "A Guide to Serving the Estate and Financial Planning Needs of Gay Men, Lesbians, and Same-Sex Couples." Joseph Kapp and Nicholas E. Burkholder, March 2008. pp 54-64. They've gotten a lot of good feedback from other planners about the article, and lots of inquiries about how to serve lesbian and gay clients. More to the point, Joe Kapp and Nick Burkholder have worked very hard over the last four years to gain and earn our trust and business. I am so pleased that they are getting recognition for the excellent work they do for their clients. Readers, plan for our future now. Both Joe and Nick promised to come out and be guest greeters with me at your neighborhood's Wal-Mart, when I put in my appearance, there (just kidding) (or not).