At the Dentist
I had a 9 a.m. dental appointment this morning. I got out of the house early to clean off the car from last night's ice storm. It was messy and my steps were still icy, but the parking lot and roads were not (just wet). The ice really makes the trees look beautiful (until an ice-laden tree takes out a power line).
So I get to the dentist early. He and his assistant were talking about yesterday's primary. The assistant appears to be a keen Senator McCain supporter, although she doesn't like his stand on the war in Iraq, and she thinks he's too old.
I did not offer any political analysis; after all she had her hand in my mouth and was armed with a mouth suction hose.... Here is a woman who probably is not earning a great deal, and is an immigrant. I sat there wondering why she did not like Senators Clinton and Obama.
What does it take to get the message through to people that Senator McCain is wrong on health care and social spending? What does it take to get the message through to people that McCain opposes a woman's right to her own reproductive health? What does it take to get the message through that McCain will continue the failed Iraq policies of president Bush?
The Democrats still have a long row to hoe, but I think we'll have the best nominee to do that.
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